Training FAQ

Who is the Kambo Tree Coalition?

Kambotree is not a traditional organization but a collaborative network of like-minded Kambo practitioners. Unlike restrictive hierarchical structures in some charities and organizations, Kambotree fosters an open and inclusive environment where practitioners can learn, share, and grow.

Founded by Lisa Silva, a pioneer in Kambo, Kambotree has blossomed from a solo practice into a vibrant ecosystem. Lisa’s innovative “Kambo Nadi” techniques resonated with many, sparking a new wave of interest and exploration. To meet the growing demand for skilled practitioners, Kambotree established training programs, further expanding its reach.

Kambotree’s evolution from a single source of knowledge to a global network reflects the power of collaboration. The network fosters collective wisdom by welcoming diverse individuals and perspectives and ensures Kambo’s safe and ethical application to a wider community.

Envisioning a future of flourishing co-creation, Kambotree resembles a forest where each practitioner thrives in collaboration. Just as trees support each other through shared resources and interconnectedness, Kambotree practitioners learn from and empower one another. This collaborative spirit fosters both individual growth and collective wisdom.

For those seeking the transformative power of Kambo, Kambotree offers a welcoming and supportive environment. It embodies the strength of community, reminding us that transformative journeys often blossom within the supportive embrace of a shared vision.

How is your training different to other organisations?

While not the first or only group offering Kambo training, Kambotree is dedicated to continuous learning and innovation. Through collaboration with other practitioners, we’ve developed new and groundbreaking protocols and built up a deeper understanding of Kambo’s potential. We believe in fostering a spirit of open, safe exploration and knowledge sharing, which more restrictive organizations can sometimes limit.

What to consider when choosing a trainer.

We understand that choosing a Kambo training program can feel overwhelming with so many options available. Selecting a program that prioritizes safety, ethics, and comprehensive knowledge is crucial to ensure a positive and valuable learning experience.

Here are some key questions to consider when evaluating potential training centres:

Who created the training? Learn more about the person offering the training and ask as many questions as needed.

Are they insisting on the applicants for training having a first aid certificate?

At Kambotree, we prioritize practitioners’ and clients’ safety and well-being during the Kambo administration. This commitment requires all trainees to possess a valid first-aid certificate before participating in our programs.

Why is a first-aid certificate crucial in Kambo training?

  • Preparedness for potential emergencies: while generally safe when administered correctly, Kambo can occasionally induce mild side effects requiring prompt attention. Having basic first-aid knowledge equips practitioners to handle these situations calmly and effectively.
  • Enhanced confidence and competence: Possessing a first-aid certificate instils confidence in practitioners and clients, fostering a trusting and secure learning environment.
  • Alignment with best practices: Requiring first-aid training aligns with industry best practices and demonstrates our commitment to responsible and ethical Kambo practice.

Beyond first-aid certification, Kambotree further emphasizes safety through:

  • Comprehensive training: Our programs delve into proper administration techniques, contraindications, and potential reactions, equipping trainees with the necessary knowledge to navigate Kambo sessions safely.
  • Experienced instructors: Our trainers are highly qualified practitioners with extensive experience and a deep understanding of safety protocols.
  • CPR practice: We integrate CPR practice into our training, ensuring preparedness for more critical situations.

Choosing a Kambo training program is a significant decision. By prioritizing safety measures like mandatory first-aid certification, Kambotree empowers individuals to embark on their Kambo journey with confidence and a strong foundation in responsible practice.

We encourage all potential trainees to carefully consider the safety protocols and training philosophies of various organizations before making their choice.

Do you copy other orginisations work to train?

Kambo is a powerful medicine with a rich history rooted in indigenous Amazonian cultures. We believe that no single organization can claim exclusive ownership of its traditional use or techniques. As Kambo has spread to the West, it has been adapted and integrated into diverse practices by many individuals and communities.

At Kambotree, we honour this shared heritage by offering training that incorporates both traditional methods and advanced protocols developed by our experienced practitioners. These protocols are registered and protected to ensure responsible use and prevent potential harm.

Here’s why we emphasize both tradition and innovation:

  • Respecting the roots: We acknowledge the invaluable knowledge and wisdom passed down through generations in indigenous communities. Our training incorporates traditional methods with respect and sensitivity.
  • Building upon the foundation: While honouring tradition, we recognize the need for responsible adaptation and innovation in a broader context. Our registered protocols represent advancements in safe and effective Kambo practice.
  • Promoting responsible use: Registering our protocols safeguards against their misuse and empowers practitioners with the necessary knowledge to administer Kambo ethically and responsibly.

In the spirit of Kambo, we believe in fostering kindness and avoiding negativity towards other organizations. We acknowledge that the IAKP developed the first Westernized version of Kambo training. While we do not train their protocols and have no association with them, we respect their contributions to the field.

Duration of the training?

At Kambotree, we prioritize the quality and depth of your Kambo training experience over rigid time constraints. Unlike some organizations that specify a fixed, limited duration, we believe in a more individualized approach.

Why we focus on quality over quantity:

  • First-aid certification beforehand: Requiring a valid first-aid certificate allows us to dedicate training time to more advanced topics and practical applications instead of basic first-aid skills.
  • Comprehensive curriculum: We strive to equip you with a thorough understanding of Kambo, encompassing traditional methods, advanced protocols, safety procedures, and ethical considerations.

Benefits of our approach:

  • Deeper understanding: By dedicating more time to core topics, you gain a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of Kambo, fostering confident and responsible practice.
  • Practical application: We prioritize hands-on experience, allowing you to apply your learnings under experienced instructors’ guidance actively.
  • Individualized support: Our flexible approach allows for personalized attention and support, ensuring you address any questions or concerns effectively with ongoing mentorship programs.

To what level is your training?

More than a Basic Practioner! At Kambotree, we recognize that a “one-size-fits-all” approach to Kambo training doesn’t adequately prepare practitioners for the complexities they may encounter. We understand that many seeking Kambo treatment require more than just basic detoxification, and practitioners often face challenging cases that can feel overwhelming without proper training.

Therefore, we offer a higher standard of training from the outset, setting a strong foundation through a comprehensive curriculum. This approach equips our graduates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate diverse client needs effectively.

Benefits of our comprehensive training:

  • Enhanced preparedness: We ensure practitioners can confidently handle complex situations by delving deeper into advanced topics and scenarios.
  • Client safety prioritized: A higher level of training translates to more informed decision-making and better handling of potential challenges, ultimately enhancing client safety and well-being.
  • Reduced overwhelm: Graduates feel empowered to address diverse client needs without feeling overwhelmed or underprepared, fostering a more positive and successful practice.

Choosing the right Kambo training program is crucial. We encourage you to seek organizations that:

  • Offer comprehensive training that goes beyond basic detoxification protocols.
  • Set high entry-level standards to ensure a strong foundation for practitioners.
  • Prioritize the safety and well-being of both clients and practitioners.

At Kambotree, we believe in empowering practitioners with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate the complexities of Kambo work confidently and responsibly. We are committed to fostering a safe and effective practice environment for both practitioners and clients alike.