Experience Traditional and Specialist Kambo Protocols Like The Transformative Kambo Nadi:

Get ready to experience the remarkable power of Kambo, enhanced by a profound insight into your body’s energy channels. This extraordinary healing method is conducted with deep respect for indigenous traditions. Your well-being transformation awaits!

Embrace Transformation With Confidence

Why choose one of Kambotree's highly trained practitioners


Ready to unlock your potential for profound healing and growth through Kambo? Embark on your journey with the utmost confidence.

Choose one of Kambotree's team of meticulously trained Kambo practitioners.


Expertise You Can Trust:

Rigorous Training: Our practitioners undergo extensive Kambo training, mastering Lisa Silva's innovative, safe, compassionate techniques. They're not just knowledgeable; they're deeply attuned to the nuances of this powerful modality.

Comprehensive Screening: Before treatment, you'll receive a thorough medical and emotional screening to ensure Kambo or KamboNadi is right for you. Our practitioners prioritize your safety and well-being above all else.

Tailored Treatment Plans: Your experience won't be one-size-fits-all. Our practitioners design personalized treatment plans, drawing on the latest methods to create emotional and physical balance unique to your needs.

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The Kambo Nadi Difference:

Unlock Deeper Healing: Lisa Silva's groundbreaking Kambo Nadi techniques go beyond the physical, accessing deeper emotional and energetic layers for profound transformation.

Gentle Yet Effective:
 Experience powerful results with a compassionate touch. Our practitioners are experts in creating a safe and supportive container for your journey.

Trusted Lineage: As the original pioneers of Kambo Nadi, Kambotree is the source you can rely on for authentic, ethically applied practices.

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Don't risk your well-being with inexperienced individuals. Trust your Kambo experience to the gold standard: Kambotree's highly trained Kambo practitioners.


What is a Kambo cleanse like?

It is important to embark on a Kambo journey within a secure, nurturing environment led by a skilled practitioner. This significantly enhances the likelihood of a profoundly positive experience. During a Kambo ceremony, the Kambo substance is delicately applied to the individual's skin, typically on the arm, via small, carefully created burns.

Kambo's effects may vary from person to person, triggering responses such as sweating, trembling, tears, vomiting, muscle cramps, or even an extraordinary sense of bliss. It can be momentarily uncomfortable and may induce feelings of discomfort. The Kambo process typically unfolds over about twenty minutes, followed by a brief rest period, during which you will feel a sense of relaxation and recognize the transformative potential of the Kambo cleanse. You will emerge from this experience feeling uplifted, purified, and joyful. Remarkably, even those initially encountering adverse reactions often question, "Can I do this again?"

Following your cleanse, you may notice a substantially reduced negative energies, diminished pain, and a heightened sense of joy and contentment. Many individuals express an ineffable shift in their being, unable to articulate the transformation but sensing a profound change precisely. It's essential to mention that Kambo is not a cure for specific health conditions, and I encourage you to explore online resources to uncover the incredible stories of healing. My journey with Kambo is detailed on the "About Me" page. Regardless of the nature of your struggles, be they mental, physical, or spiritual, Kambo serves as a potent ally in addressing and transcending these obstacles, promoting balance and realignment.

Ways to work with Kambo

Discover the Enchanting Power of Kambo. Step into a realm where ancient wisdom meets modern healing. Kambo, a sacred and transformative medicine, has the potential to unlock the magic within you. Through this remarkable practice, you can release what no longer serves you, cleanse your body and spirit, and reconnect with your true self. Experience a journey of self-discovery and rejuvenation. At our centre, we harness the sacred essence of Kambo to guide you on a path of healing and transformation. Uncover the enchantment of Kambo and embark on a journey to embrace your fullest potential.


Kambo Nadi Treatment

We have developed a unique protocol; we will embark on a journey to balance your body’s energy through the nadis – the vital channels that carry your life force energy. Using a specialized technique, we will focus on the body's energy system. Using specialist protocols we powerfully balance these energies. This method is groundbreaking and requires less Kambo with longer-lasting results.

Why Choose This Healing Approach: Reconnect with Wellness

By embracing this protocol, you’ll have the opportunity to address even the most intricate wellness concerns. Drawing from years of experience and a deep commitment to healing, I’ve developed a method that empowers you to rediscover your sense of balance, wellness, and inner peace—more than just Kambo. 

Your Healing Journey: What to Expect

Throughout this process, we will explore the intricate nature of energy flow within your body and how the Kambo treatment interacts with your energy pathways. You’ll experience the direct application of Kambo to the Pingala and Ida nadi lines, which in turn influences the Sushumna line for a holistic healing experience.

What is the science behind Kambo?

Nobel prize nominee Vittorio Erspamer, a chemist and pharmacologist from the University of Rome, wrote extensively about the science behind kambo.


He identified and studied over 60 chemical compounds, including the well-known compound serotonin. He once wrote that kambo contains “a fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequalled by any other amphibian.” His studies showed that kambo could bind with receptor sites in the human brain, triggering beneficial reactions.

Kambo contains at least nine bioactive peptides that perform specific functions and affect human blood circulation, the adrenal cortex, the pituitary gland, the pancreas, and the gastrointestinal system:

  • Bradykinins (phyllokinin)
  • Tachykinins (phyllomedusin)
  • Cerulean
  • Sauvagine
  • Tryptophyllins
  • Dermorphins
  • Deltorphins
  • Bombesins
  • Andenoregulin

Some of these peptides are similar to our hormones. Others assist in vital cellular processes within the body. Scientists are working to isolate these peptides and study them further.

Unlike many other pharmaceuticals, kambo can cross the blood-brain barrier. This property allows it to treat conditions that are otherwise very difficult to treat.

However, there are currently no peer-reviewed studies to reference. While there is a lot of anecdotal evidence, there is no scientific evidence that the peptides in kambo will treat your medical conditions. Therefore, we will not make any medical claims until we have the science to back them up.

Read more research papers HERE.

Is Kambo Safe?

People have been using kambo as a treatment for hundreds of years. Deep in the Amazon rainforest, some people have taken kambo more than 100 times in their lifetime. However, when used outside of the tribal setting with people who do not know how to use it correctly, problems may occur. You should always make sure that the practitioner administering your kambo cleanse is highly trained and experienced.

Although highly unlikely, Kambo can be dangerous. Your practitioner will do a screening before every appointment to minimise the risk. They will make all my clients aware of Boerhaave Syndrome: spontaneous oesophageal rupture resulting from sudden increased intra-oesophageal pressure. Again, it is extremely rare; you can read more about it  HERE 

Please note that Kambo is not for you if you meet/have any of the following conditions:

* Stroke…..
* Epilepsy…..
Heart bypass surgery…..
* Enlarged heart…..
Implanted cardioverter defibrillators…..
* Pericardial effusion…..
Congestive heart disease…..
* Excess fluid in the heart sack…..
Heart valve replacement…..
* Organ transplant…..
Taking Diuretics…..
* Taking medicine for blood clots…..
Serious mental health problems….. 
* Bipolar disorder…..
Within a month of Chemo/Radiotherapy…..  
* Taking immunosuppressants for an organ transplant….
Addison’s disease…..
* Recovering from a major surgical procedure…..

Although not contraindicated, the following can delay when you can have Kambo. 

A person who is water fasting for more than 12 hours before the treatment. 

For liver and parasite cleanse, please wait five days after you stop the treatment. 

A person received an enema within three days prior. 

A person has consumed 5meoDMT (Bufo) in the past month. 

A person has consumed other strong plant medicine (e.g. San Pedro, Ayahuasca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive Kambo. 

Some prescription drugs (I will check this with you before treatment)

A person has not reached their 18th birthday. 

A person has reached their 65th birthday.  

A person who lacks the mental capacity to decide to take Kambo. 

A person is desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem. Kambo is not an emergency medicine and should be carefully planned. 

The person consumed large amounts of water before arriving for Kambo. There are careful water guidelines that your practitioner will discuss with you beforehand.

A person has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo. Kambo should be taken in a fasted state. 

This is not an exhaustive list, so please research or contact your practitioner.

Start Your Kambo Journey Today